Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Five ridiculous things

There seems to be two primary functions of a blog. One is to post photos of yourself in various outfits and the other is to rant into cyberspace about whatever is currently on your mind. Considering I'm not the most photogenic of people I've decided that the latter option is best and so here you have it, a condensed insight into what's been irritating me lately:

1). Jessica Ennis being called fat

Stupidest. Thing. EVER. As always, I'll leave it to more eloquent bloggers (here and here) to expand on this but suffice to say I am annoyed.

2). My phone not recognising the word 'patriarchy'

Clearly technology's attempt to completely undermine the feminist movement. Blackberry, I'm onto you!

3). Pasty tax talk

Yes this tax was ridiculous. What's more ridiculous is the fact that we're all still talking about it. Our country is still in financial crisis. People around the world are still suffering. There may even be another female athelete to insult (joke). Let's move on already and devote headlines to more worthy topics.

4). The weather

Sorry to go all British but it's a topic which can't be avoided. I just can't cope with such changeable seasons! How on earth am I expected to choose an outfit for the day when I have no idea if I'll be reaching for the sun cream or more layers?

5). My waistline

I'll admit this is largely (oooh good pun) self inflicted and I can hardly expect much else from the amount of oreos I've been consuming (have definitely reached a new personal best). For some reason cutting back just seems unthinkable at the moment (how else would I get through the week without so many carbs?!) and so I've resigned myself to the fact that it will probably take either a beach holiday or a few fat jibes to make me shed the pounds. Although if you do call me fat I will cry. And possibly throw an oreo at you.

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