Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Mersey Tunnel 10K

Last Sunday I ran the Mersey Tunnel 10K. I'd heard about it a while ago and vowed to take part, mainly for the novelty factor of running through the tunnel (for similar reasons I also want to run the London Zoo 10K). Having completed a half marathon in the past I knew this distance was certainly do-able however, as I've been somewhat lacking in motivation, felt it would still be a decent challenge.

The race itself didn't disappoint. Sure parts were tough (I wasn't counting on the sun making a rare appearance) and negotiating my way through fellow runners at the beginning was a pain, however the great atmosphere meant that I genuinely enjoyed myself. Crossing the finish line in just over 53 minutes, I was reminded of why I am so determined to make running a part of my life.

I wish every run felt like a race (and not just because I'm weirdly competitive). I love the shift in attitude that race day brings. Of course the crowds spur you on however there's also that constant voice in your head telling you that stopping/walking just isn't an option. Sometimes it takes a certain kind of environment to really push yourself and lone training runs don't always cut it. When I'm jogging around my local park I will use any excuse to stop for a breather (my ipod needs adjusting, I need to tie my lace, I have to stretch... you get the picture) despite the fact that I know my body is more than capable of carrying on.

My next step is to join a running club. Having briefly dabbled in the past, I think I now need to make the commitment and find somewhere that won't let me stop unnecessarily as soon my legs get a little achy! I also need to work on my general overall fitness however the longer I can put off attending circuit training during my lunch break the better.

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