Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Day 2- Like a diet but with no beach holiday to look forward to

Okay that's a slight exaggeration as I'm hardly depriving myself of calories. I lied yesterday. I ended up indulging in some evening snacks of biscuits and dry toast. I also managed a second breakfast and pre dinner snack today (see how I'm making this work for me?).

I think the main issue is knowing I'm not allowed certain foods. There's nothing wrong with pasta for dinner (again...) however when I know it's my only option it's suddenly a lot less appetising. And working out the cost of every single thing I eat is giving me a headache (or that could just be the diet coke withdrawal symptoms).

Today's menu was poached egg on (dry) toast for breakfast, cheese sandwiches for lunch (which I would probably be having anyway due to my lack of imagination) and pasta, sauce and sweetcorn for dinner. I also had a banana and some biscuits for snack time. Reading that back it looks like loads but there would usually be more chocolate/crisps present in my diet which are definitely the main things I'm missing! On the bright side, I'll be keeping my dentist happy.

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