Sunday, 26 December 2010

All I want for Christmas...

The majority of blogs I am currently following are giving me serious outfit envy. Considering this is added to the fact that I feel like I'm bursting out of most of my wardrobe right now thanks to an abundance of chocolate coins and other calorific delights, it seems inevitable that I will be hitting the sales at some point this week. There's also something about Christmas and wanting to treat myself to even more goodies (of course I need a new scarf to match the gloves Santa gave me).

Every year we talk about how materialistic Christmas has become and how most of us have forgotten the real meaning of it all. I don't think this is necessarily true. Well, maybe the first part of that statement contains some accuracy (my friend appears to have received half of Urban Outfitters' winter collection in her stocking and has now ventured into town to buy the rest), however sometimes we underestimate how meaningful the festive season really is for people. Sure people are posting photos of their presents on facebook and comparing gifts on Twitter, however amongst these materialistic statuses and tweets lie those expressing delight at spending some much needed time with loved ones and the joy of abandoning the diet in favour of an extra mince pie.

In all honesty, I was pretty much dreading Christmas this year. I think the idea of so much family time (I'm living back at home which probably doesn't help!) and too much food (I'm feeling incredibly fat right now which is never good for one's mood) made me a little apprehensive of the holiday season. Despite all of this, I actually ended up really enjoying yesterday (because of family time and too much food). It's funny how the things you complain about can turn out to be what makes a day. Yes, I was compared to Bridget Jones (by my Uncle), the sister and I started snapping at each other and I ate FAR too much, but who cares? I had the best time with the people who really matter to me (and managed to do up my leather shorts on Christmas Eve despite the overindulging!).

I still find the festive season a little full on however that doesn't mean I need to shun it completely. It also seems ridiculously selfish to even think of complaining about family when there's people who would give anything to spend this time of year with loved ones. This blog post is a bit all over the place (welcome to my thoughts :p) but I guess the main message is to forget the wish list this year and focus on what you really want (which is probably a lot closer to home than a pair of Kurt Geigers... although they would also be gratefully received).

Happy Boxing Day!

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