Monday, 27 February 2012


And the fitness regime has begun! I was half preparing for a blog post on how last week's plans fell through (negative, moi?) however I guess even I can manage a few days of exercise when the gym is about a minute away from where I work.

Unfortunately all the exercise classes I want to take are at really awkward times (and I don't think 'legs, bums 'n' tums' is an adequate reason for leaving work early). This meant that I had to face the actual gym. Now it's not that gyms particularly intimidate me (I'm quite partial to watching the guys in the weights room), I just find running on the spot really tedious. And the TV doesn't help (mainly because I still have issues working it but that's besides the point). Anyway, I went along to the running club a couple of nights later which was much better. I mean there was the close shave with the fire brigade, and I did almost get left behind towards the end, but I suppose that's the risk you take when you break free from the safety of the treadmill.

I also managed to get to a Box-Kick Fitness class which I would thoroughly recommend to anyone with pent up rage. Seriously though, it's a great workout and the novelty of wearing boxing gloves adds to the enjoyment factor.

I fnished off with a run on Saturday which, in all honesty, was hell. You know when you keep trying to psyche yourself up only to realise it's just not working? I remember reading somewhere that the bad runs are actually the most effective ones, which I guess makes sense seeing as they're more of a struggle, however I managed to replace any calories burnt by consuming large quantities of nutella on my return. As much as I joke about my horrendous diet, I'm starting to admit that it probably does affect the way I feel when running. Maybe I'll take baby steps and just give up chocolate on exercise days and see how it goes. There's no waaay I'm jumping on the deprivation bandwagon for Lent and going cold turkey. I've done it before and have no intention of doing it again!

All in all, quite a good week exercise-wise. Although it has drawn my attention to the fact that I'm in need of a decent gym bag (my Topshop shopper isn't really cutting it). I do have my eye on a neon pink asos number however it will clash horribly with my winter coats (yeah I'm obvs not ready for Spring time yet). Any suggestions? Perhaps accessories would be a better exercise incentive than the prospect of another jar of nutella...

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