Sunday, 30 January 2011

Running (or a lack of it) and life outside of Liverpool

I haven't blogged in a while, however due to the fact that it's highly unlikely there are any avid readers out there (expect for my friends who I tend to relay any exciting developments to in person anyway) I don't think this is a massive issue!

In my last post I came over all ambitious with talk of doing the Liverpool half marathon. I've since gone one step further and, in a moment of misplaced confidence, signed up for it. My current training plan is more of a continuation of my existing exercise routine (with a bit of extra running thrown in) than a formalised schedule and so I'm starting to feel a little panicked that 13 miles may defeat me. I really want to run/jog/shuffle (anything but walk or stand still)  for the entire course and get a vaguely decent time however need to step up my training if this is to be feasible. I've started running with a local club which is great as I often lack the motivation to do so alone, however we stop quite a lot which is a habit I want to kick before the race itself. They do a long run every Sunday and I went last week which was a good workout however we stopped and started quite a bit this morning which makes me feel I haven't quite earnt my second chocolate bar of the day yet. I am, on the other hand, ridiculously tired after getting to the park for 8.45 (I will never be a morning person) and so at least I will have the best night's sleep tonight (that is the most ridiculous silver lining ever to missing a lie in on a Sunday morning!).

In other news, it currently feels like pretty much everyone is fleeing to London (or even further afield) at some point in the not too distant future (note: this is a massive exaggeration). Of course I am incredibly happy for all of my friends who are making exciting changes in their lives, however there is also the horrible thought that I'm suddenly going to be left in Liverpool with only my parents for company! I've always known I wanted to move to London at some point, however now that I'm at a stage in my life where I should be making these dreams happen it suddenly seems a bit impossible. I think a lot of it is timing as I'm desperate to experience life in another country before attempting to climb the career ladder and know that the minute I move down South all of my travel funds will disappear on boring things like rent. I'd also like to stick around in Liverpool for a bit as I feel I'm still getting reacquainted with my city and I'm actually really enjoying that. So to summarise, I seriously envy people's exciting plans, however I must keep telling myself that hopping on train to London would not be the smartest thing for me to do right now!

I think I'll leave it there and go find a corner of the house to curl up in with my book (sometimes I like to go a bit crazy at the weekend, y'know?). I must blog more often, I think this new year's resolution has been a bit of a fail so far! Happy Sunday everyone and if any kindly stranger does stumble across my musings and happens to be into long distance running I would LOVE to hear your tips (well if these kinds of requests work on Twitter...).

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